Monday 24 October 2016

A really lovely little video I found via Brain Pickings Weekly

and to think I was toying with the idea of unsubscribing because I get so many emails~!


  1. "Expect anything worthwhile to take a long time" So true, it takes alot of work to achieve great things.

    1. And yet we must not convince ourselves that only if it is difficult it is worthwhile - serendipity also comes into play if one is to believe Jung and many of the great spiritual philosophers! Thanks for commenting Koba.

  2. I really enjoyed this video and appreciate you sharing it. The part where is peaks about being generous with your words reminds me of a lesson I read about and listened to. It speaks on life and death in the tongue. When you speak life with your words which would be positive, uplifting, and healing words in your life and to those around you, everything heals and mends and extends. When you do the opposite, you see life fall apart and people all around you struggling. Many years ago I saw a video where a young women who was going to end her life changed her mind because the woman ringing her out at the store made her feel loved by speaking so gently to her and focusing on her as a person. I am going to share this video. Really touching.

  3. Thank you Jasmine - I am glad it spoke to you - I really enjoy sharing uplifting items


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