I wanted to turn my attention to those parts of life that got pushed aside for career. For example I have the most adorable new niece and God child in my life (that's Lucinda in my Blog Profile Photo!) as well as many long postponed creative projects to pursue.
Last but not least I had become interested in more sustainable and healthy living and have expressed this interest in my experiments with cooking and (slow!) learning about gardening - in particular organic and permaculture methods and keeping chooks.
So this blog is my way of noting for posterity that I actually explored some new ideas, followed some of my creative urges and kept connected to the earth as well as hopefully inspiring, encouraging and simply informing readers of things I learnt having had the luxury of time to explore new ideas and listen more. I felt before that I did not have time to listen to more than a "sound bite" and my often used phrase was "I have to keep moving". Well, I finally stopped "moving" in the way I had been for awhile, took better care of myself my family and my health.
This blog documents part of that journey - some of it retrospectively and most of it currently. I want to say a special thank you to my dear friend Frankie for supporting this project since it's inception February 2013 (!) and giving me useful feedback on it and darling JoJo for firmly and lovingly pushing me over the line to get it up by coaching me on the basics of setting up a blog and helping to brainstorm the name with her lovely friend Mary. Here are their own wonderful blogs/sites showcasing their amazing creativity!
I really hope you enjoy my sharing of my discoveries with you and that it helps you in some way to live differently in the ways you want to live differently.
With love
Fiona xx
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The garden in Spring 2011 |
This is the view from our kitchen window in Spring. Yes, it's not Spring right now but it didn't seem right not to share those gorgeous yellow banksia! I will post some later ones which show how the garden has grown and developed in three years.
I have a great view from the window as the "living garden ornaments" are very entertaining. These ornaments are one of the reasons for calling the garden "feathered" as we have a mixed flock of colourful backyard chooks.
However, as well as chickens, our garden is visited by:
- Silver Throated Honeyeaters
- Wattle birds
- Indian Doves
- Ravens
- Rainbow Lorikeets
- Blackbirds (No Indian Mynahs though - I think the Wattlebirds have scared them off!)
If you would like to know about our domestic flock pop along to the "Chook Stuff" page.